Sunday, February 21, 2010

New Zealand's Newest Art Award is Formalised Under Trust

New Zealand's Newest Art Award is Formalised Under Trust

The Whanganui National Art Exhibition and Award has undergone a some major changes in recent months.

First, the infrastructure and operations of the exhibition is now administered by the Whanganui National Art Exhibition and Award Trust.

The trust was established in January 2010. The reasoning behind this was to make the administration of the exhibition as inclusive as possible amongst arts practisioners and organisations in Whanganui and Aotearoa New Zealand, and to further cement the position of the award on the national calendar.

Secondly, a change in name takes into account a government ruling in 2009, that makes "Whanganui" a legitimate spelling.

Thirdly, the trust aims to takes the results from the 2009 Wanganui National Art Exhibition and Award, and further develop, and more importantly expand, the exhibition in terms of artist entries, audience and corporate participation, an increase in sales of high quality Aotearoa New Zealand art work, and an increase in the size of the award.

Optiv101 Fine Arts and Multimedia Studios, as convener of last years exhibition, is pleased to still support the planning and event management with the Whanganui National Art Exhibition and Award Trust, and wishes the Trust future success in providing Whanganui and New Zealand artists a platform for art discourse.